Monday, September 19, 2011


Hey guys! In sad to say that I'm really sick! :( so I have so much going on! I have so much home work I cant get far behind. Cuz it would be really hard to make it up! If you have any ideas how I can get better faster that that would help a lot. Thanks
So please be praying for me plz! Thanks


  1. I'll be praying for you! Bout, alas! I can't think of anything that would help you...... Hm, DRINK LOTS OF ORANGE JUICE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Drink lots of water and gatorade. You need to flush your system out so drink constantly! Also, you are probably not eating very much and that's where the gatorade comes in. Gatorade has a lot of electrolytes that you loose from not eating and not being active and out in the sun. So pretty much drink lots of water and gatorade!!!! You are always in my prayers!!! ♥

  3. ......... Yeah, what Sara said..............

  4. Water, water, water, no sugar, water, no milk, water, and sleep. Vitamins, oranges, and sleep. Lots and lots of sleep. :D
